
Sreča so dnevi v življenje vtkani,
sreča so drobni trenutki izbrani,
sreča je pesem na novo zapeta,
niz pravih verzov in rima zadeta.
Sreča so drobci tistih stvari,
ki danes so tu in jutri jih ni,
sreča te sem in tja doleti,
nahaja se v tebi, ko bit govori.
Sreča kot čutenje tukaj lebdi,
skrita za grabit in stran od oči,
nikdar se ji prav hitet ne mudi,
pride kar sama, sreča se kar zgodi.
Za srečo pospravi vse srčne smeti,
nikdar ta ne pride, ko v njem so skrbi,
zavist in prezir ta srečo kali,
le ko si svoboden, te ta obdari.


Happiness are days into life intertwined,
the tiniest moments, handpicked and combined,
happiness is a song that is sung once anew,
a string of fine verses, with lines that rhyme true.
Happiness is the sum of the finest small things,
here now, no matter what tomorrow brings,
happiness, hither and thither it flies,
when your essence speaks, within you it lies.
Happiness floats here like a sensation,
ethereal, hidden, phantom flirtation,
to find happiness you should never hurry,
it happens itself, there’s no need to worry.
For happiness you’ve got to clean up the mess
in your heart, so you haven’t a care in your chest,
your happiness withers with envy and pride,
only when you’re free are you happy inside.

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