
Odhajam za vedno,
sem rekla, da grem,
če vprašaš me, kam,
ti téga ne povem.
Je tisto, kar iščem?
Še sama ne vem.
Je nekaj gotovo,
ostati ne smem!
Predobro veš zame,
kam vodi me pot,
srce še verjame
ga najti drugod.
Se res je trudilo,
verjelo je v še,
a se je zlomilo,
ga zlepit ne gre.
Dajalo priložnost,
sto eno in več,
zdaj se je strdilo,
ne zmore nič več.
Prišel bi naproti,
prišel vsaj na pol,
po tej bi se poti
vrnila domov.
Pogrešam iskrenost
in jasen obraz,
ne muklo praznino,
saj to nisem jaz.
Zaslužim dobroto,
zaslužim ponos,
predvsem si zaslužim
povezan odnos.
Vse to je odtavalo
davno že kam,
sem rekla, da grem,
zdaj res grem drugam.

I am leaving

I’m gone for good,
I said it, I’m going.
If you ask me where,
I’m not telling, not showing.
Is that what I seek?
The answer’s unclear.
One thing’s for sure, though,
I sure can’t stay here!
You know all too well,
to where my path leads,
my heart still believes
it’ll find what it needs.
It tried best it could,
believing in still,
but then it got broken
and mend not it will.
It gave tons of chances,
a hundred and one,
but now it has hardened,
its doing is done.
If you just went walking,
to find middle ground,
by the very same path
I’d be homeward bound.
I miss honest intent,
a face clear and free,
not torturous silence,
for that isn’t me.
I deserve goodness,
and I deserve pride,
most, I deserve a
partner by my side.
All of that vanished,
long, long ago,
I said it, it’s time
that elsewhere I go.

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